
Field Day for Beginners

A special event for GOTA

Q. What is the GOTA station? 

A. It is an opportunity for any Technician or Novice licensees (Basic or Basic with Honours in Canada), newly licensed amateurs, other generally inactive licensees, and non-licensed persons to experience first-hand the fun of amateur radio by allowing them to GET ON THE AIR (GOTA). 

Q. How many GOTA stations may a club have on the air? 

A. A club may employ only one GOTA station. 

 Q. What are the bands for the GOTA station? 

A. The GOTA station may operate on any amateur band on which Field Day operation is permitted (HF or VHF) for which the control operator has operating privileges. 

Q. What modes may the GOTA station use? 

A. The modes and frequencies are determined by the license class of the control operator of the GOTA station. There must always be a control operator with operating privileges for the frequencies and modes desired present at the control point of the GOTA station any time it is transmitting. 

Q. May a non-licensed person operate the GOTA station? 

A. A non-licensed person may never operate an amateur transmitter. They may participate at the GOTA station by speaking into the microphone, sending CW, or making digital contacts but may do so only under the direct supervision of a properly licensed control operator at the control point of the transmitter. 

Q. What callsign does the GOTA station use? 

A. The GOTA station uses a callsign different from the call used by the group’s main Field Day operation. The GOTA station must use the same, single callsign for the duration of Field Day. Remember that you must have permission of the holder of the callsign in order to use it for the GOTA station. Also remember the rules of station ID. A two-by-three call issued to a Technician licensee may be used, but if the call is being used outside of the Technician privileges of the licensee, it must also include the callsign of the control operator (WA4QQN/N1ND for example), who must be present at the control point. The main station for us is VE7SAR and the GOTA station will be VE7HME

Q. What Field Day exchange does the GOTA station send? 

A. GOTA stations use the same exchange as its “parent” station, in our case 2F BC - Two parent stations, and Foxtrot is the type of station (F = EOC). And of course our location is BC.

Q. Who may the GOTA station contact? 

A. The GOTA station may contact any other amateur radio station, with a couple of exceptions. The GOTA station may not work its “parent” Field Day station. It may not contact any station operated by a person who was involved with their group’s Field Day operation. Remember that if a DX station is involved, the FCC (ISED) rules involving Third Party traffic apply. A station worked by the group’s main Field Day set-up may be worked again by the GOTA station and is NOT considered a dupe. 

Q. What is considered a generally inactive licensee? 

A. The GOTA station is not for everyone. The generally inactive licensee provisions pertain to someone who holds a General (Basic) or higher class license but has been inactive. The intent and the spirit of this station is to provide an opportunity for persons to gain on-the-air experience and progress to operating the regular club stations in the future. The intent is not to develop a group of “permanent GOTA Field Day operators”. This is also not a station that a club “ringer” operates in order to rack up points. The list of operators of this station must be submitted with the Field Day entry. For example, a “seasoned” operator who has been away at college and off the air for a couple of years really is not considered a generally inactive amateur. 

Q. May someone operate both the GOTA and the main Field Day stations? 

A. It is permissible for someone to operate both GOTA and the main stations. However, remember that to use the GOTA station, you must meet the requirements of license class and be generally inactive. It is not permissible for a seasoned operator to operate the GOTA station. 

Q. I am an active Novice licensee. May I operate the GOTA station? 

A. Yes. The GOTA station may be operated by any Novice or Technician (Basic or Basic with Honours) licensee, under the terms of their license privileges, or under the supervision of a control operator. 

Q. How do I calculate the GOTA bonus points? 

A: Please refer to Field Day (arrl.org). In order to claim the GOTA bonus, the club/group must provide a list of operators and the number of QSOs each operator makes at the GOTA station. Clubs should use their best judgment in determining the operators of the GOTA station.

Our 2015 Field Day video


Are you ready to participate in Field Day?

The focus is on GOTA this year 

Field Day is always held on the fourth full weekend in June, this year on the 24th and 2th. For those who are not familiar with the event, Field Day is an annual exercise when Amateur Radio enthusiasts, primarily across North America, activate for a 24-hour period. It is more than a contest, however, as teams are encouraged to operate using alternative methods as needed for emergency conditions. It is also a great time to socialize, collaborate, and share ideas to innovate further.

Our focus this year is to make it more inclusive for recent graduates, new members and the public with a program called ‘Get On The Air’ (GOTA). Unlike previous years we will be providing our best antennas, radios, and frequency bands to GOTA on a priority basis to foster interest in the hobby and participation in our programs.

SARC participation in Field Day this year will take place at the OTC and in the SEPAR trailer - with the SEPAR trailer being set aside for GOTA use. The plan is for two individuals at a time operating, one as logger and one as operator. Ideally the logger will gain experience with N1MM logging software before moving into the operating position. You do not require a ham license to operate as I plan on being present as station manager for the full 24 hours. We hope to offer an N1MM workshop or presentation before Field Day. We also hope to offer training on the GOTA Field Day radio.

Are you a ham licensed in the past 3 years but mostly inactive? Please respond if you are interested in:

  • Volunteering to help with the set up on Friday (pizza dinner following set up)
  • Operating/logging Saturday morning
  • Operating/logging Saturday afternoon
  • Operating/logging Saturday evening
  • Operating/logging Saturday overnight
  • Operating/logging Sunday morning

Once I have an indication of interest, I will begin to put together a schedule.

Note: check this blog in the coming days for a "Field Day for Beginners" post.

That's it for now,




Larry Bloom VE7LXB
New Ham Coordinator
Surrey Amateur Radio Communications



Emergency Preparedness Week Webinar

 If you’re ready for earthquakes, you’re ready for anything!

This is Emergency Preparedness Week and the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness is offering a webinar related to being prepared for earthquakes.

I encourage you to register (required) to attend. The information on how to register and the date and time are below. Please forward and promote this as appropriate.

Earthquakes can impact all of us, no matter where you live in the province, which is why this year's webinar theme for Emergency Preparedness Week is "If you're ready for earthquakes, you're ready for anything!"  During this webinar, the team from PreparedBC will provide you with resources and tips for getting prepared for all types of emergencies, including earthquakes.  A seismologist with Natural Resources Canada will talk about: 

  •  B.C.'s earthquake risk; and  
  • The incoming National Earthquake Early Warning System, which can detect earthquakes and send out emergency alerts 

Special guests from the B.C. Earthquake Alliance will share information on managing risk, and the ShakeOutBC team will give a preview of how to stay safe and protect yourself during an earthquake and what to expect during the Great ShakeOutBC Drill in October. 

Attendees will receive a list of resources discussed during the presentation and be entered to win a 4-person emergency kit. 

 Presented by:  

Date & Time: Thursday, May 11, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 

~ Gord Kirk, VA7GK
  SEPAR Coordinator


May - June 2023 SEPAR Report


Work ahead heading into spring

Over the last several weeks we have had multiple global events which have reminded us with the need to be prepared. Watching video of the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria and the subsequent response of nations to come to their aid has been another reminder that we too live in a very active seismic zone.

Often when we think of needs to prepare, the first thoughts of people in our region is that of an earthquake. We have also seen the consequences related to snow and the gridlock traffic in December that led to people being stuck for 8-10 hours in their cars when they should have arrived at home in 45 minutes to an hour. The previous year our neighbors just a few kilometers away experienced flooding that destroyed highways and led to many people coming to realize how quickly impassable roads led to supply chain challenges and limits on gas purchases. But in the local events we still had the ability to communicate. Other than perhaps some busy delays on the cell phone networks our communications still worked. Thankfully we haven’t had large damaging earthquakes in the area so we don’t really know what our communications will look like until (not if) the earthquake happens.

This has led to discussion amongst our local amateur radio community. We practice weekly with our nets, some area nets happen daily. The weekly SEPAR net starts on the repeater and then moves to an alternate frequency. This over the last couple of years has been on either of our planned/coordinated alternate simplex frequencies. This allows each of us to practice and try and improve our simplex communications throughout the entire City of Surrey. A city with 568,322 people as of the 2021 census covering 317.4 square km. We have valleys, rivers, agricultural areas, dense population areas with high rise towers etc. This can make communications challenging. We have north and a south repeaters available to use, but the weekly simplex portion of the net is a reminder of how we may require relay stations to ensure all of the hams can communicate if these two repeaters are no longer available.

Each year we discuss maintenance and plans of what to work on next. One of our members has started going through the City owned Radio Kits and checking coax, connectors, and ensuring the contents are in the correct boxes. We have some major updates to do on the SEPAR trailer and a couple of HF antennas that need maintenance to ensure they work properly. We have many new members and it is time to review our kits, programming and plans.

We have discussed expanding APRS availability at our repeaters, adding Winlink RMS stations to several locations in the city and one of our members is working on how we can add AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) mesh equipment. It is these digital improvements that will required more work. Whether it is securing a location for antennas, internet, backup power etc. each of these provides their own challenges. We do have a very supportive relationship with our city and want to make sure as we develop these plans that they can be maintained.

As a result of the city’s support we have a shared facility we can use and have a radio room with equipment always set up to use. Each week several of us (15-20) meet for breakfast at a local Denny’s restaurant and then go over to our OTC (Operations and Training Center) to work on projects, some to participate in contests, and of course to improve and maintain our equipment. New hams come to get advice on how to get stations set up in their apartment or strata unit, or how to tune an antenna etc.

One of the most recent topics is getting newly licensed hams over mic fright and active on the air. A newby net is being discussed and a seminar after the class licensing exam on “what is next now that you’re licensed?” It has been one of the most rewarding things to meet new people and see them become active participants on the air. We are seeing our volunteer numbers in the SEPAR program growing as well.

As we come out of winter and see some improved weather we are looking forward to kick staring several of these projects. Watch in the upcoming editions of the Communicator as we tackle some of them.

If you want further information on SEPAR please reach out.

~ Gord Kirk VA7GK
  SEPAR Coordinator


January-February 2025 SEPAR Report

SEPAR in 2024 Over this last year SEPAR has continued to remain active in many areas. The line between SARC and SEPAR (the club vs emergency...